英文稿 v0.1 (^和下划线表示没听清或者不会)
Mass Producing Hot Dogs in a Factory
Hot dogs are sausages in a roll. It's likely that German sausage makers came up with the idea. German em migrants was selling them from ^ in New York barre as far back as the 1860s. A century and a half later, hot dogs are still baked on the street.
To make standard hot dogs, they use a mix of pork, beef and chicken. The ^ they use are cold trimmings, pieces of meat leftover from ^ stakes and pork chops. And they are mainly muscle tissue. They grin the trimmings the same way butchers grin hamburg meat by pushing the ^ through a metal plate ^ with holes.
They add process chicken trimmings to the ground meat then mix in food starch, salt and other flavorings. The starch takes in the mix while the flavorings very depending on weather hot dogs at be sold. Because people in different regions have different tastes.
They spray water into the mix and blend everything together in a big rectangular ^. A dash of clear ^ adds sweetness. They mix in more water which helps disperse the ingredients and makes the hot dogs juicier.
Another machine then shred the meat butter into a ^ motion and ^ the vacuum out in the air. They load rolls of ^ into the stuffing machine. It pumps the meat ^ into a long casing, twisting it every 13 centimeters, the length of one hot dog. It takes just 35 seconds to make a chain of hot dogs that would expand a football pitch twice.
Then they linked three of those hot dog chains for a even longer string and load several at a time into another machine which drip the hot dogs onto moving racks. It is always carefully timed so that ^ is always on the bar. The racks ^ the hot dogs through a smoke shower then into a oven with several cooking zones. The liquid smoke sips through the casing and adds flavor to the dogs as they bake.
^ out from the oven, they drench these ^ in very cold and salty water to chill them in preparation for packaging. The hot dogs then file down to an unloading zone. Here a machine pulls them off the bars onto a conveyor. The hot dogs slide off the conveyor into metal containers. If you have been wondering what the black stripes are on the casings, all is about to be revealed. Or should we say, ^ peeled. The stripe is a marker. When they stripe off that casing, the absence of the black stripe means the hot dog is done and ready for packaging.
Inside the peeling machine, a tiny knife slides each casing along the top. Then steamy air blows the casings right off the dogs. This machine peels 700 hot dogs every minute. An inspector checks to make sure that the casing has been completely removed and there are no defects.
Then it ^ into a device looked like a plastic bicycle chain, the ^, position the hot dogs for packaging. They manufacture an incredible 300,000 hot dogs an hour. That's close to two and a half million per shift. So they really do ^ them out, like a sausage factory, which of course it is.
But they really make lunch not a problem.
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